Thursday, October 31, 2019

What are the key internal factors and external factors to be Essay

What are the key internal factors and external factors to be considered in price decision making - Essay Example he equilibrium point where demand curve intersects with supply curve is the deciding point at which price is determined. When price is considered in terms of demand and supply, it can be said that price has inverse relationship with demand and positive relationship with supply. In other words, when price increases demand decreases and vice versa, while price increases supply also increases. This is because, when price increases, the customers would like to reduce its consumption as the product seems to be more expensive. Likewise, when price increases, the firms will be encouraged to produce or supply more, as they expect more for their products. In another words, price has the tendency to be increased by the increased demand and to be decreased by the increased supply. But in a real market, price is not solely determined by the equilibrium position of supply and demand, but some other factors also play crucial role in deciding the price of the products. Pricing is a more a complex a nd complicated process than a simple determination of demand and supply. Hence, pricing policies which are deliberately taken by the firm is the most important deciding factor which decides the price of a particular product. These pricing policies of the firm are influenced, in general, by two sets of factors- internal and external. Both the internal as well as external factors influence the pricing decisions of any enterprise or firm. These factors may be psychological, economical, quantitative or qualitative. (Sawyer, 1981 and Kotler, 1997). 2. Internal Factors Pricing decisions are influenced by a number of internal factors which consist of profit margin, cost of production and other expenses, brand image and expectations of the company, suppliers’ and employees’ efficiency and responsiveness of the product to the price changes (Kotler, 1997). . These factors can broadly categorized under the following heads: 2.1 Corporate and marketing objectives of the firm. Corpo rate and marketing objectives of the firm mainly seek to recover the cost elements of all types, to make target returns and to maximize the profit. Coverage of the corporate cost of production as well as marketing should be an influential factor of pricing policy of the firm. Corporate objective of making specific return rates on the basis of internal cost factors is another important internal factor which play crucial role in an organization’s pricing strategy. Some important examples of other market objectives are survival of the firm in a high competitive atmosphere, current profit maximization, market share leadership and product quality leadership (Munroe, 1990). 2.2. Image sought by the firm through the price By setting a particular price or implementing a pricing policy, the firms seek a particular public image and this image plays a crucial role in the pricing policy. For example, premium prices are usually being charged for global brand. Likewise, a plant keep going by setting a low price in the hope that in future, the plant can increase the demand. In this case, survival is more important than price or profit maximization (Forman, 1998). 2.2 The Stage of the Production in its life cycle The stage of the production under which the firm goes through is an important factor in the price setting strategy. Whether the firm is going through increasing, decreasing or stagnant returns of scale and where the position of its average and marginal product curves stand, are the important things which decisively play role in the pricing policy of the firm. 2.3. Capacity Utilization and Market Contribution rates Capacity utilization has a positive influence on cost-based pricing strategies. Organizations operating at full capacity are capable of spreading the fixed cost to various units and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Deism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Deism - Essay Example Moreover, belief in a miraculous and/or mysterious representation of the divine cannot and should not be viewed as something unique to monotheism. As can readily be understood from a cursory examination of the Hindu or Greek pantheon, a direct level of interference on the part of the gods is evidenced throughout the traditions and scriptures that these individual religious interpretations have developed. From such a long and historical/traditional understanding of what defines God/gods, it comes as something of a surprise that the belief system of deism ever came to any prominence whatsoever. As a means of understanding, explaining, defining, and drawing a level of inference with regards to how deism affected, and continues to affect the world in which we live, this brief analysis will seek to engage the reader with a more well-rounded and complete understanding of this belief system; as well as the key factors that contributed to it and the impacts that this particular belief system continues to engender. As with many historical theories and definitions of the world, deism was born out of a particular historical movement and time. In such a manner, within 17th and 18th century Europe, as well as the United States, the Age of Enlightenment was taking place. Within this particular time, the means by which the Catholic and Protestant churches of Europe could control and manage the means by which individuals thought and integrated with new and developing knowledge was severely and indefinitely curtailed. Nearly each and every movement of human history up until this point in time had moved humanity closer and closer to technological development, scientific discovery, industrial change, and a litany of other factors. Within such an understanding, the reader can come to the clear and definitive understanding of the fact that deism was ultimately borne out of the zeitgeist that was experienced during this unique era in human history. From a definitive standpoint, deis m is ultimately the belief that reason and observation alone are in and of themselves sufficient to determine whether or not God/gods exist (s). Furthermore, deism sought to reject prior norms that have long been accepted within Europe and the remainder of the world; namely the belief that revelation in and of itself could be utilized as a type of authority for knowledge, the belief and understanding that the divine regularly integrated with the human, the belief that Scripture was ultimately flawless, the belief in miracles, and many other standbys that had traditionally been understood by Christianity of various denominations to define the way in which God interacted with his creation. As is so prone to occur with religious interpretations and ideologies, deism soon came to be a way in which sociological factors of interpersonal and governmental relationships were determined. What is meant by this is that the Age of Enlightenment was a tumultuous period in world history in which t he constraints of both government and church were shocked in favor of reason and the human accrual of knowledge. It should not be understood by any means that this level of scientific and exploratory knowledge seeking is in and of itself bad. Ultimately, the spirit that gave rise to deism is the same one that helps to develop modern

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Role of Religion in Society Sociology Essay

Role of Religion in Society Sociology Essay Functionalism is the most widely-used theory in modern sociology. In general, functionalism uses a systematical approach to any given object, asserting that each element of this object fulfills a necessary role, which is vital either to keep the balance of the system or for its survival. Any change in the state of any of the elements influences the whole system. Functionalism focuses on society as a unity of individuals and the way they, as part of this whole, are affected by various social institutions. It explores religion at the macro-level, analyzing the effect its practices and symbols have on different aspects of society as a whole as well as the harmony between its elements and/or its endurance. According to the functional approach, religion can fulfill different tasks, for example, establish unity, explain and introduce various norms to society, teach people to deal with probable unpredictable outcomes of certain events; it aims at simplifying the ideas or events that are dif ficult to understand. Extreme modern functionalists even argue that religion is vital for the survival of the human race and that it is the only means to enable the transition from selfishness to altruism. Another outstanding theorist of functionalism, Bronislaw Malinowski, also examined small groups to define the social role of religion (Sociology of Religion, 2003). His studies led him to a conclusion that religion had a calming effect on the people, especially in stressful environment. This result was based on the fact that religion had penetrated into fundamental but extremely tense for humans events, such as marriage or burial, for example. For Malinowski, death had a special significance as it meant that society lost one of its members. Nevertheless, he found religion very useful in this instance, as it proposed consolation in the form of life after death. By conducting a funeral, religion eased pain and stress, preventing possible social outbursts. Among others, Malinowski studied some tribes from the Trobriand Islands, who had a special ceremony performed before going fishing, which was their only occupation. This ritual helped them overcome fear about what might happen (as the sea was an unpredictable environment), and also built solidarity. The researcher came to a conclusion that religion helped people face the unknown future. In general, functionalism sees religion as a positive element of society, as it unites people, helps maintain social balance and prevents disorder. Functionalists accept that it is important as religious institutions fulfill functions that society needs for survival, creating individual models of behavior that are beneficial for the social balance. Religion is also viewed as a reconciling measure between an individual as an element of society and society as a whole. Functional approach allows individuals to have different levels of religious involvement. Contemporary functionalists, like J. Milton Yinger, also note that in modern society religion has expanded its influence from the church surroundings to everyday life, which means that activities previously unrelated to religion suddenly become associated with it in the peoples minds (Blasi, n.d.). Religion helps individuals to define their role in society, giving them the feeling of safety and familiarity with other individuals in a certain group. Machiavelli and Hobbes were the first scientists who introduced the concept of conflict into sociological theories. They applied the term of cynical realism to the description of society: motifs of individual behavior were based solely on self-interest. Each society has a certain ideology, represented in a system of beliefs (religion), which is often used according to the interests of the parties involved. But the core of conflict theory lies in the ideas of Karl Marx (McClelland, 2000). According to Marx, the driving force of social existence is labor, which provides people with means to satisfy their basic needs (e.g. food, shelter). The way this labor is organized from a social point of view determines the essential social characteristics, making those who carry out the production the constructors of society. Marx believed that economy was the basis for creating different social institutions that determined the form of social consciousness of each individual. In order to define the role of religion as it is seen in conflict theory, we need to understand Marxs view on society. He saw capitalism as the dominant structure of contemporary economical interactions, in which capital belonged to a small group of individuals, who employed workers. The latter used capital to produce different goods, but in order for that small group of individuals to receive profit, the workers were paid less than they actually had produced. So there was a conflict: those two classes needed each other, as they provided each other with what the other one did not have, but their interests had different vectors. In order to keep the workers (who outnumbered the bourgeois class) under control, different measures were taken: politics, police institution, religion. Conflict theory sees religion as a tool used to prevent the majority from acting on their own, to make them accept the established way of life in society. Marx believed that eventually the workers would take o ver (through growing consciousness), and a new model of economic relations socialism would be established. Max Weber is considered to be a uniting link between conflict theory and the interactionism. The scientist continued developing Marxs views, and added new levels of conflict to his theory. Weber believed that there were more conflicts than just one-kind-of-property conflict, thus acknowledging that there were more resources to fight for and that society was a multiple-class structure, with each class playing a specific role in material economic interactions. Unlike Marx, Weber moved the focus of conflict to the control of means of violence that served to suppress the opposition. What is more important for us, Weber had clearly showed what role religion played in society. He saw religion as a way to emotionally unite people, and that function of religion was exploited by the state. Religion helped different groups acquire certain statuses or develop into certain communities (based on ethnicity, for example). Religious ceremonies built strong feelings of solidarity within the group, cr eated emotional unity and bonds through application of symbols, techniques and various material aids. According to Weber, religion was not above the conflict or means of resolving it, it was another weapon. If some power incorporated itself into religious beliefs of people, it occupied the dominant position in society. Religion might also be used as a means of finding allies against a common enemy. It could be implemented to create a certain social hierocracy. Through this concept, Weber showed that religion was a manipulation tool, creating background for stratification of society (e.g. stratification in relations and established positions of religious leaders, member of the group and non-followers). In conflict theory, any conflict lies in the desire of one group to dominate the other or others, which can be most effectively achieved through violent constraint. One conflict arises when those who have the authority to coerce provide some groups with certain privileges and strip oth er groups of them. According to conflict theory, every individual acts in his own interests, having the ability to influence self-perception of others, which creates another conflict: different people having different resources available to them create the reality of others, which they use to their advantage. At a personal level, each individuals self-consciousness is developed based on the way this individual comprehends the reality that is through interpersonal communication which brings us to the theory of interactionism. Interactionism (short for symbolic interactionism) is another major theory in sociology, the most recently developed among the ones presented in this work. Some of its ideas were taken from Marx, Weber and further developed by George H. Mead and Herbert Blumer with the contribution of Charles Horton Cooley (McClelland, 2000). This theory concentrates on the subjective side of human behavior and social development. It focuses on individuals rather than society. According to interactionism, each person plays a certain role, being able to change his behavior if the behavior of others changes, too. This is because individuals are able to understand and read into the actions of others, which are perceived as symbols. Moreover, each individual perceives himself and his own actions as symbols as well. Interacting with one another, individuals are constantly in the process of interpreting the symbols that they exchange as well as the world around them. Interactionism recognizes individuals a s active participants of social life and constructors of society. Its focus is on the individual interactions, diminishing the importance of established norms (like in functionalism and conflict theory). According to interactionism, the changeable nature of negotiation process between the societys members forms the constantly changing social reality, which nevertheless stays in the frame of the stable set of rules regulating these interactions. It pays special attention to the roles that individuals play in social relations, believing that they can be either pre-defined or not. It is important to understand that individuals not just react, but evaluate the meaning of counteraction, and then decide on their reation. According to interactionism, religion is a certain ideology (a system of symbols) that helps people understand and relate to things that are above understanding, and in a certain way to track their lives in the wake of this ideology. Religion creates an outline of appropriate behavior and incorporates it into peoples minds. Participation in religious ceremonies is a way to confirm the correctness of ones course and to reinforce ones beliefs, but also a means of imposing certain symbols. Interactionism recognizes religion as a very powerful social institution, because if it succeeds in establishing itself as a symbolic system of some individual, it becomes the only right way for this individual to interpret the world around him. Religious ceremonies are seen by this theory as very important for confirming peoples system of beliefs and reinforcing certain interpretation of the world. In general, interactionism is a very subjective sociological approach. Conclusions The three theories represented in this research paper see religion not as an essential truth but rather an illusion of the truth, as it is immensely influenced by different variables. Functionalists see religion as a uniting force bringing societys members together through the feeling of solidarity. They assert that religious symbols are the representation of the values of people and give special meaning to the religious ceremonies and rituals, as they encourage stronger unity in social groups. Functionalism identifies religion as a positive element of the social system since it introduces another unearthly reality to people helping them forget the stress of everyday life. According to functionalism, religion is beneficial for health and is also an important condition for future survival of society. Conflict theory in a figurative meaning sees religion as a drug for certain social groups. It is one of the ways for the oppressed to feel united, though it is a cruel tool in the hands o f the ruling class. They use it to enforce the difficult way of life, make the working class believe that it is their fate and there cannot be another. Religion refers only to the future, promising reward or better life in the distant future or even after death (in afterlife). For conflict theory, religion is at a stage of change, blocking the idea that the current way of life benefits only a few while the majority of society suffers from injustice. It is interesting to mention that both Durkheim and Marx predicted that religion will vanish from the social life being useless. Symbolic interactionism concentrates on the individuals and their interactions through which the way the society functions and the roles of its institutions are defined. This theory sees society as a constantly changeable symbolic organism. Importance of religion is in the first place defined by the meaning of religion for each separate individual. Being part of religion is a continuous and regular comparison a nd confirmation of ones system of beliefs. The research shows that the role of religion can be explained from different points of view, and there is no right or wrong explanation.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Understanding Disabilities :: Personal Narrative Writing

You don't have to work too hard to find places where your awareness of disabilities helps you see things clearly and understand more about your own world. I'm interested in art and I'm working at the Museum in town this summer. I'm helping develop an education program that will interest younger kids in the museum's collection. I have been looking everywhere to find out how to get kids to look at paintings that otherwise might not interest them at all. I saw something on the Internet which I thought would give me some ideas. It is a Web site created by Tom March called "2 Views 4 U." He uses questions to get the viewer to compare sets of interestingly matched paintings. I especially liked his combination of "The Scream" by Edvard Munch and VanGogh's "Corridor in the Asylum." March tries to get the viewer to define mental illness by comparing the two painters' interpretations of it. He starts out by asking us to think about the two titles of the paintings and he draws us into examining how each of the painters uses repetitions, shapes, lines, color, and patterns to represent his view of mental illness. I think he does something positive for art and disability by insisting that we look for "cool things" that attract us to each painting. March asks us if it is more disturbing for us to see a person who is mentally ill or to see through the eyes of someone who is disabled. What he is really asking is whether Munch or Van Gogh communicates the feelings of mental illness best. My experience with the Disabilities Awareness Newsletter has given me a good perspective on this question. Getting to know kids with disabilities through my connection with this Newsletter has increased my respect for letting people with disabilities tell their own story. I have understood more about disabilities by just listening than I could ever have imagined. It has been like looking at a piece of art work painted by a person with a disability.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Book review of a business book Essay

That is he tries to bring forth the beleaguered and tricky person. Moreover he is not in favour of the lady towards the time of her distracted conditions. Martha’s life, as opened up by Byron, is an embodiment of perfection and that was embedded in the routine work of the company, Martha Inc. In short, the author personifies Martha as a shrewd business shot in the beginning, yet as a shattered woman, towards the end of the article. Thus there inculcates a mixture of positive as well as negative approaches to Marha Inc. The author portrays Martha as a conjurer in the sense that she can be seen doing so many things enthusiastically as well as pleasurably. According to him, this lady was rarely interested in anything, but her company activities. Martha Stewart’s enduring triumph is due to her flair and aptitude and also due to the confidence in herself. The endeavor of this dedicated worker through out her life was to make people understand the devices for formulating a good way of living. Even when she was on the summit of her glory, she was not ready for respite. She tried to instill in the minds of people about the prospects of business. She has created cryptic guidelines of converting the hardships into sequins thereby erecting a magnificent domain. Martha’s company is presented as a unique one in the sense that it is easily accessible to the lay men as well. Moreover, she considered herself as a transmitter of ideas, besides being a formulator. This may be the reason for the team spirit of the members of her projects who slither along with her in all her activities. Although Byron has great appreciation for Martha, he has foresightedly mentioned in his book that this great business woman was the victim of utmost bad circumstances that too at a time when she was at her best. However she is regarded as a gorgeous know-how industrialist, even among the people who jeer at her. In contriving business techniques, Martha was a tornado who was flotsam and jetsam in speaking, yet rough in going to any extent to reach destiny. Martha’s example shows that she had given more flexibility and freedom to her group to implement plans of each of them. Stewart keeps apart her time mainly for gathering her crew for discussing plans for the further improving of the business. The group is provided with opportunities for initiating their ideas, if any. At the same time, Martha is prepared to dive into matters if they need the touch of an authoritarian hand. The success of Stewart’s venture may be due to the fact that she had given ample freedom to team members to be the part and parcel of what they were working with. But later this openness itself acted as a decisive feature in the collapse of the Martha Inc. She had a craving for commanding everything, that too in an amicable manner. Martha had to confront with many problems in the later period of her business life. But unlikely, in the midst of the boisterous escalation of topical years, she declined to keep an eye on each and every element. Even at the crucial time when her business was under threat of collapse, she was in a mood to instill inspiration in her customers and thereby obtained their confidence. The thespian rise of Martha Inc. at the early stages can be attributed to the single personality of Martha Stewart. Martha Inc. had many foes in the business field. But before the magnanimous personality of its contriver, they were all dwarfs. The lady had her centre of activities not only in the business field but in other activities like literary, television and also in domestic activities. For this she had given the members of her organization ample latitude to trance up and implement their own thoughts. She had the optimism when she advocated that she had permeated Martha Inc. with a fabulous quantity of her resilience and arty beliefs (Brady, 2000). Later Martha undergoes trial for securities scam and also faces impediment for righteousness. The after effect of this was adverse for business associates who campaign various projects of Martha Inc. The value of the shares of company had fallen, those who had business dealings with Martha Inc. set ways apart and there was also considerable decrease in the income from her publications. The demand for her television shows became sluggish. The company, Martha Inc. ’s deterioration may be regarded as an exceptional instance in which the roomy perilous aspects stood as an obstacle on the path of the company’s future development. Because she was convicted, the shareholders of her company met with a loss and the whole thing affected the reputation of the firm. In the inevitable circumstance when the company showed inefficiency, Martha could remain as a scrupulous conniver. Studies show that, in spite of the brave foot steps she had taken to flourish her business domain, she was an interloper to the business world. Stewart doomed to be the butt of the system she zealously resorted to. The same social systems that hitherto acknowledged her ways began to look at her as if she were a downtrodden. For the triumph of any company the stability of those who work for it is very much required. Here Martha Stewart’s capabilities, labor, individuality and leadership has worked as the decisive factors in bringing the staff together. The crew realized that there will be the undesirable outcome on the trade, in case there is any unconstructive market or industry acuity or if the full fledged activities of Martha dwindle. The company’s progress can be attributed not to one factor. It had the strong hold up of the brands and their worth. Besides, it owes to the leader for her unstained reputation and civic icon in her. Martha Inc . had kept top precedence on those who work for it and reassured frankness, equal opportunity and accountability and thus entirely exploited their skills. A healthy competition leads to healthy spirit for the improvement of any company. Whenever there appears a tuff competitor in front, one will be in a hurry to grab fresh situations (Gross, 2003). Recruiters must take a special wager in the firm’s success before anticipating treading up the salver. Reference Brady, D. January 17, 2000. Martha Inc. Inside the growing empire of America’s lifestyle queen. Available: http://www. businessweek. com/2000/00_03/b3664001. htm. Accessed on October 1, 2008. Byron, C. 2003. Martha Inc. : The Incredible Story of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia. London: Frank Cass (UK). Gross, D. June 5, 2003. Martha the Oracle Available: www. slate. com/id/2084026/ -. Accessed on October 1, 2008.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Fall in and Who’s for the game? Essay

These two examples of poems are typical of the war propaganda of the period, they are propaganda posters to make normal people get up, tell their friends and to join the army, navy or RAF. They try to embarrass people who like to be masculine and question their masculinity; this makes them prove to people that they are a man so they go to fight in the war. The poem teases unmasculine men and tries to make them feel bad for not going to fight. Harold Begbie exclaims that all the MEN who fight in the war will be praised in the street, women will love them (which is not true if they are severely handicapped), everyone will ignore you if you don’t go and everyone who does will be heroes. Men hate getting ignored by women therefore they will want to join up Jessie Pope’s idea of a game makes the reader feel as if war is a football ball match or a great sporting event. Going with the LADS makes it feel like there is comradery and a good time to be had with cool people, there’s no mention of any death, killing people, blood or any other gruesome details, it only says you may get a broken leg which will appeal to men who want to look macho and as if they’ve been fighting, it will make them look tough and brave. SONNY is used to patronise the reader, to make him feel unworthy of being a big strong man but more like a little boy who’s just a bit of a joke. SONNY is used to make a man try to prove himself and go join up. The author creates a feeling of everyone else will be talking of the war and become popular but you will be ashamed because you did not go and you will try and avoid everyone so they wont know. Normal people rushed out to beat the foe which means they left with no hesitation or worries and knew they’d be back anyway really quickly. The author says when you are old you will tell your children and grandchildren of exiting war stories and adventures. But if you’re too much of coward not to join even your children and grandchildren will be ashamed and embarrassed. The painting on the front shows a woman guiding a young man to where he should be going, the old lady wants the young man to fight as she’s to old but its his duty, it feels like the lady is pressuring the man to join up, he doesn’t want to see the look of disappointment on her face if he says no. The effects of these poems is that people get mislead into believing the war will be over really quickly, you’ll get good pay, really nice uniforms, travel all over the world, meet nice people. If you don’t go then your great country will be taken over by horrible people and everything will be ruined. Harold Begbie’s language is extremely persuasive in his poem called â€Å"Fall In†, in it keeps repeating direct and rhetorical question like Where?, What?, How? Why? When? and, Will you†¦? The author also uses religion to scare people into thinking that they will be upsetting God by not fighting in the war. He tries to make you seem uncaring when he writes â€Å"And right is smashed by wrong?† He imagines you only caring about football, cinema, the pub and the betting shop as if you only think about yourself. Jessie Pope’s language is also just as persuasive. The poem she writes is called â€Å"Who’s for the game?† in her poem she also repeats direct and rhetorical questions. She uses Who? as in who’ll do this? and who’ll do that? The who’s refer to you. The use of who in most of her poem is very repetitive and therefore the Who†¦? will stay in your mind. Also her slang phrasing appeals to ordinary people who feel as if she’s down to earth and makes the writing feel friendly, this encourages them to read on and not feel threatened with a formal very important looking poster.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Complete List of Nora Roberts Books

The Complete List of Nora Roberts Books Nora Roberts releases several new romance novels every year, making her one of the most prolific authors of our time. She is continually adding to a number of series and has published more than 200 novels- some sweet, some suspenseful, and some fantasy. Roberts has regularly hit the  New York Times  bestseller list since 1999. Thanks to her dedicated fans and the fact that she was an early pioneer in communicating with them online, it is rare that a new release does not hit that esteemed book list. In fact, starting in 1999, every Nora Roberts book has made it. Known for writing compelling series and trilogies, Roberts is adept at telling stories that almost force you to hunt down the next title. Her In Death series is closing in on 50 titles. It is a detective romance series written under the pseudonym J.D. Robb. Nora Roberts and J.D. Robb Books by Year Roberts started writing during a blizzard in 1979. It forced her two sons to stay home from school, and she was on the verge of going stir crazy. Though her writing may have started out as a creative escape, it quickly turned into a long and lasting career. If youre looking for her earliest work, she published six titles within the first two years of her debut. This volume for a new author is astounding in itself and is just a prelude to the amount of work she would produce in the coming decades. 1981: Irish Thoroughbred (Irish Hearts)1982: Blithe Images1982: Song of the West1982: Search for Love1982: Island of Flowers1982: The Hearts Victory 1983: The Legacy Begins In 1983, Roberts began a legacy of publishing many books each year. It would set the pace for her entire career. Also, if youre going to read Reflections, be sure to follow up with Dance of Dreams, because the stories are connected. From This DayHer Mothers KeeperReflectionsDance of DreamsOnce More With FeelingUntamedTonight and AlwaysThis Magic Moment 1984: A Prolific Year An interesting year for Roberts, in 1984 the author produced a variety of single books, and it was one of her most prolific years. She would not debut her first series until 1985. Endings and BeginningsStorm WarningSullivans WomanRules of the GameLess of a StrangerA Matter of ChoiceThe Law Is a LadyFirst ImpressionsOpposites AttractPromise Me Tomorrow 1985: Meet "The MacGregors" In 1985, Roberts debuted one of her most successful series. The MacGregors includes 10 novels, starting with Playing the Odds and ending up with 1999s The Perfect Neighbor. The characters have been featured in other novels throughout the years as well. Playing the Odds (The MacGregors)Tempting Fate (The MacGregors)All the Possibilities  (The MacGregors)One Mans Art  (The MacGregors)PartnersThe Right PathBoundary LinesSummer Desserts  Night MovesDual Image 1986: A Good Year for Follow-Up Novels If you read Summer Desserts, then you have to follow it with 1986s Lessons Learned to get the rest of the story. Also, Second Nature and One Summer should be read in succession.   The Art of DeceptionAffaire Royale (Cordinas Royal Family)Second NatureOne SummerTreasures Lost, Treasures FoundRisky BusinessLessons LearnedA Will and a WayHome for Christmas 1987: Meet "Cordina's Royal Family" In 1986, Roberts introduced us to Cordinas Royal Family with the release of Affaire Royale. Two books in that series followed the next year, though the fourth would not be released until 2002 under the title Cordinas Crown Jewel. If you happen to pick up Sacred Sins, youll also want to read 1988s Brazen Virtue, as the two are connected. For Now Forever (The MacGregors)Mind Over MatterCommand Performance (Cordinas Royal Family)The Playboy Prince  (Cordinas Royal Family)Hot IceTemptationSacred Sins   1988: The Year of the Irish Roberts must have had Ireland on her mind because in 1988 she turned her debut novel into a series that would be known as Irish Hearts. Yet, youll also find these volumes under the title Irish Legacy Trilogy. It includes Irish Thoroughbred (1981), Irish Rose (1988), and Irish Rebel (2000). The author also spent part of the year introducing us to The OHurleys. After these three novels, you can find them again in 1990s Without a Trace. Local HeroIrish Rose  (Irish Hearts)Brazen VirtueThe Last Honest Woman (The OHurleys)Dance to the Piper  (The OHurleys)Skin Deep  (The OHurleys)Rebellion  (The MacGregors)Name of the GameSweet Revenge 1989: A Trio to Delight Fans To kick off the year, Roberts spent the first few months of 1989 with three connected novels. The first three in this list were written to be read in order. At the end of the year she started another story, so when youre done with Time Was, read Times Change. Loving JackBest Laid PlansLawlessImpulseGabriels AngelThe WelcomingTime Was 1990: Meet "The Stanislaskis" In comparison, it doesnt look as if Roberts had a very productive year. However, she did take some time in March to introduce us to The Stanislaskis. This six-book series would continue regularly through 2001 with the release of Considering Kate. Times ChangeTaming Natasha (The Stanislaskis)Public SecretsWithout a Trace  Ã‚  (The OHurleys)In From the Cold  (The MacGregors) 1991: Meet "The Calhoun Women" Four of the five books in The Calhoun Women series were released in 1991. Anxious fans had to wait until Megans Mate in 1996 for the fifth novel, but today you can fly right through them. Youll also find some of the Calhoun women featured in other novels, especially in 1998. Night Shift (Night Tales)Night Shadows  (Night Tales)Courting Catherine (The Calhoun Women)A Man for Amanda  (The Calhoun Women)For the Love of Lilah  (The Calhoun Women)Suzannas Surrender  (The Calhoun Women)Genuine LiesLuring a Lady  (The Stanislaskis) 1992: The Year of the Donovans If you have not yet read the four novels in the Donovan Legacy, consider this a must. The cousins have special powers that make them extraordinary, and three of the books were published in 1992. The last of the series is Enchanted, published in 1999. Carnal InnocenceCaptivated (Donovan Legacy)Entranced  (Donovan Legacy)Charmed  (Donovan Legacy)Divine EvilUnfinished BusinessHonest Illusions 1993: Just Three New Books It seems as if 1993 was a bit slow for Roberts, but she did continue two of her popular series. Nightshade is the third of five in the Night Tales collection that started with the 1991 release of Night Shift. Falling for Rachel  (The Stanislaskis)Nightshade  (Night Tales)Private Scandals 1994: The Debut of "Born In" Born in Fire was the first release in the Born In trilogy, and its sometimes called the Irish Born trilogy. After that book, be sure to catch Born in Ice (1995) and Born in Shame (1996) to complete the trio. Night Smoke  (Night Tales)Convincing Alex  (The Stanislaskis)Birds, Bees and Babies/The Best Mistake (Mothers Day anthology)Silhouette Christmas/All I Want for Christmas (Christmas anthology)Hidden RichesBorn in Fire (Born In trilogy) 1995: J.D. Robb Makes the First Appearance This was the year Roberts began writing detective romances under the pen name J.D. Robb. She chose the J and D from her sons first initials and took Robb from Roberts. Born in Ice  (Born In trilogy)The Return of Rafe MacKade (The MacKade Brothers)The Pride of Jared MacKade  (The MacKade Brothers)True BetrayalsNaked in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 1)Glory in Death (Robb, In Death No. 2) 1996: Roberts' 100th Book A milestone year, Roberts published her 100th book just shortly after celebrating her first decade of work. Montana Sky, tells the story of three half-sisters who come together for the first time to hear their fathers will be read. Little did they know that their inheritance was dependent on one very specific condition. Megans Mate  (The Calhoun Women)The Heart of Devin MacKade  (The MacKade Brothers)The Fall of Shane MacKade  (The MacKade Brothers)Born in Shame  (Born In trilogy)Daring to Dream (Dream)Montana SkyImmortal in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 3)Rapture in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 4) 1997: Romance Writers Award In 1997, Roberts was awarded the Romance Writers of America Lifetime Achievement Award. In reality, as you can see from the rest of the list, she was just getting started. The MacGregor Brides  (The MacGregors)Hidden Star (Stars of Mithra)Captive Star  (Stars of Mithra)Waiting for Nick  (The Stanislaskis)Holding the Dream  (Dream)Finding the Dream  (Dream)SanctuaryCeremony in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 5)Vengeance in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 6) 1998: The Bestseller Streak Begins Roberts success on the bestseller lists began with Rising Tides. It was her first novel to be an immediate No. 1, a streak that seems as if it will be endless. Serena and Caine (The MacGregors)The MacGregor Grooms  (The MacGregors)The Winning Hand  (The MacGregors)Rising Tides  (Chesapeake Bay Saga)Sea Swept (Chesapeake Bay Saga)Lilah and Suzanna (The Calhoun Women)Catherine and Amanda (The Calhoun Women)Once Upon a CastleHomeportSecret Star  (Stars of Mithra)The ReefHoliday in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 7)Midnight in Death (short story, Robb, In Death No. 7.5) 1999: Meet the "Gallaghers of Ardmore" For the second year in a row, Roberts was on a roll. She published a number of books and introduced readers to the Gallaghers of Ardmore in the process. This trilogy would wrap up in 2000. Inner Harbor  (Chesapeake Bay Saga)The Perfect Neighbor  (The MacGregors)The MacGregors: Daniel IanThe MacGregors: Alan GrantJewels of the Sun (Gallaghers of Ardmore)Enchanted  (Donovan Legacy)Once Upon a StarRivers EndConspiracy in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 8)Loyalty in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 9) 2000: The Finales for Popular Series Some fan favorites continued in 2000. This included the finale for Night Tales, Gallaghers of Ardmore, and Irish Hearts. This year also saw the first of three books in the Three Sisters Island series. The Stanislaski Brothers: Convincing Alex/Luring a LadyNight Shield  (Night Tales)Tears of the Moon  (Gallaghers of Ardmore)Heart of the Sea  (Gallaghers of Ardmore)Irish Rebel  Ã‚  (Irish Hearts)Carolina MoonDance Upon the Air (Three Sisters Island)Witness in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 10)Judgment in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 11) 2001: A Hardcover Bestseller In November of 2001, Roberts officially moved from best-selling paperback to the top of the hardcover list. The book Midnight Bayou was her first to go right to No. 1 in this edition. Considering Kate  (The Stanislaskis)Once Upon a RoseHeaven and Earth  (Three Sisters Island)The VillaMidnight BayouChesapeake Blue (Chesapeake Bay Saga)Betrayal in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 12)Interlude in Death  (novella, Robb, In Death No. 12.5)Seduction in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 13) 2002: Cordina's Finale In 2002, we saw the final novel in the Cordinas Royal Family series as well as other memorable single books. It also marked the release of Summer Pleasure, a two-in-one reissue of the popular Second Nature and One Summer from 1986. Once Upon a DreamSummer PleasuresFace the Fire  (Three Sisters Island)Cordinas Crown Jewel  (Cordinas Royal Family)Three FatesReunion in Death (Robb, In Death No. 14)Purity in Death (Robb, In Death No. 15) 2003: "The Key Trilogy" Begins The Key trilogy made its debut in November 2003. This was a series that fans didnt have to wait for. The second and third volumes followed monthly, ending with Key of Valor in January. This is significant because rarely have all three books in a series hit the bestseller list simultaneously. Key of Knowledge (The Key)Key of Light (The Key)Nora Roberts CompanionOnce Upon a MidnightRemember WhenBirthrightPortrait in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 16)Imitation in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 17) 2004: "In the Garden Trilogy" Debuts What started in the previous year saw the final novel in The Key Trilogy in 2004. It also marked the release of Blue Dahlia, first in a trilogy called In the Garden. Blue Dahlia (In the Garden)Northern LightsKey of Valor (The Key)A Little FateDivided  in  Death  (Robb, In Death No. 18)Visions  in  Death  (Robb, In Death No. 19) 2005: Five Fine Novels Roberts finished up the In the Garden trilogy in 2005 and published the popular Blue Smoke. The year also saw her continue the dual release of her In Death series under the J.D. Robb pseudonym, hitting her 20th book. Black Rose  (In the Garden)Red Lily  (In the Garden)Blue SmokeSurvivor in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 20)Origin in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 21) 2006: "Angel's Fall" Wins In 2006, Roberts novel Angels Fall won the Quill Award for Book of the Year. The year is also significant because it saw all three novels of the immensely popular The Circle trilogy released in rapid succession. Bump in the NightAngels FallMorrigans Cross (The  Circle)Dance of the Gods  (The  Circle)Valley of Silence  (The  Circle)Memory in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 22)Born in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 23) 2007: Roberts on Lifetime Four of Roberts novels were adapted into TV movies by Lifetime Television in 2007, and more would follow in subsequent years. Her romantic stories are a perfect fit for the network, and they continue to air regularly. Roberts was also named one of the 100 Most Influential People by Time. High NoonDead of Night AnthologyBlood Brothers  (Sign of Seven)Innocent in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 24)Creation in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 25) 2008: An Award in Her Name The Romance Writers of America renamed their Lifetime Achievement Award after Nora Roberts in 2008. The Hollow  (Sign of Seven)The Pagan Stone  (Sign of Seven)TributeSuite 606  (J.D. Robb and friends anthology)Strangers In Death  (Robb, In Death No. 26)Salvation In Death  (Robb, In Death No. 27) 2009: 400 Million Copies Sold In 2009, Roberts and her books reached a milestone. According to a report from September of that year, there were more than 400 million copies of her books in print. Vision in White (The Bride Quartet)Bed of Roses  (The Bride Quartet)Black HillsPromises in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 28)Kindred in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 29)The Lost  (anthology, including J.D. Robb) 2010: "The Bride Quartet" Wraps Up Started in 2009, the last two novels in The Bride Quartet series were released in 2010. Its another fantastic story that you need to read from beginning to end. Savor the Moment  (The Bride Quartet)Happy Ever After  (The Bride Quartet)The SearchThe Other Side AnthologyFantasy in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 30)Indulgence in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 31) 2011: The Beginnings of "The Inn Boonsboro" It was in 2011 that Roberts debuted her instantly popular The Inn Boonsboro trilogy. Finished off within a year, The Next Always spent weeks at the top of the paperback bestseller lists. Chasing FireThe UnquietThe Next Always (The Inn Boonsboro)Treachery in Death  (Robbs In Death No. 32)New York to Dallas  (Robbs In Death No. 33) 2012: Roberts' 200th Book In 2012, Roberts released her 200th novel. The Witness is a mysterious tale about Abigail Lowery, who lives in seclusion after an encounter with a strange man. Her secret? Well, youll just have to read the book. The WitnessThe Last Boyfriend (The Inn  Boonsboro)The Perfect Hope (The Inn  Boonsboro)Celebrity in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 34)Delusion in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 35) 2013: Introducing the "Cousins O'Dwyer" The Cousins ODwyer trilogy quickly became a hit after the release of Dark Witch. Each of the three novels went straight to the top of the  New York Times  best-seller list. Whiskey BeachTaken in Death (short story in Mirror, Mirror  book)Dark Witch  (The Cousins ODwyer)Calculated in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 36)Thankless in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 37) 2014: The "Cousins" Finale Introduced to Iona Sheehan in the previous year, the cousins trilogy continued in 2014. In the final two,  Branna ODwyer becomes the star, and her work at The Dark Witch shop the center of the action. Shadow Spell  (The Cousins ODwyer No. 2)Blood Magick (The Cousins ODwyer No. 3)The CollectorConcealed in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 38)Festive in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 39) 2015: The 40th "In Death" Book It all began in 1995, and 20 years later, J.D. Robb published her 40th In Death book in 2015. Running at two novels per year, fans began to rely on the releases as something they could expect from Roberts. The LiarDown the Rabbit HoleStars of Fortune (The Guardians)Obsession  in  Death  (Robb, In Death No. 40)Devotion in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 41) 2016: "The Guardians" trilogy Concludes Fantasy abounds in Roberts Guardians trilogy. The series was finished in just over a year, and 2016 saw the series wrap up with what many consider two of the authors most imaginative works. The ObsessionBay of Sighs (The Guardians)Island of Glass (The Guardians)Brotherhood in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 42)Apprentice in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 43) 2017: 222 Books and Counting With the 2017 release of Come Sundown, Nora Roberts list of books hit 222, and Secrets in Death was the 45th In Death title for J.D. Robb. This is an astonishing library from a single author and one of the reasons why  The New Yorker  has called her Americas favorite author. Year One (Chronicles of the One)Come SundownEchoes in Death  (Robb, In Death No. 44)Secrets in Death (Robb, In Death No. 45) 2018: 500 million The second part in a trilogy begun in the dystopian New York City (Year One) was set to follow in late 2018 as well as two more In Death books. There have been 500 million of Nora Roberts books in print. Dark in Death  (Robb, â€Å"In Death† No. 46)Shelter in PlaceLeverage in Death (Robb, â€Å"In Death† No. 47)Of Blood and Bone (â€Å"Chronicles of the One† No. 2) 2019: "In Death" Continues The 48th book in the In Death Eve Dallas series for pseudonym J.D. Robb is scheduled for February 2019. Communications in Death (Robb, In Death No. 48)

Monday, October 21, 2019

Comparison of Amphibian and Bird Embryos essays

Comparison of Amphibian and Bird Embryos essays The differences between amphibian and bird embryonic development can be seen when comparing frog and chick embryos. Though they differ greatly during gastrulation, amphibians and birds complete neurulation in a very similar manner. Frog embryos progress through gastrulation by a process known as epiboly. During epiboly, the small cells of the animal pole grow down over the larger vegetal pole cells. After this process is finished, a blastopore is formed, and the yolk is tucked inside. Chicks progress through a blastoderm. Since the chick yolk is enormous compared to the frog yolk, epiboly would take far too much energy. The blastoderm begins as a small mound of cells situated on the yolk like a skull cap. As it grows, the blastoderm splits into upper and lower layers: the epiblast and the hyperblast, respectively. The hyperblast grows down around the yolk and becomes a part of the endodermal lining. The epiblast becomes the presumptive tissue of the embryo. Cells begin moving towards the middle of the embryo and form the primitive streak and Hensons node. The primitive streak and Hensons node in the chick embryo is about the equivalent of the blastopore in the frog embryos. The notochord of the frog comes from the cells in the dorsal lip of the blastopore and takes its place in the roof of the archenteron. Notochord development begins at Hensons node and progresses down the primitive streak, pushing under the epiblast in the chick embryo. The endoderm in frogs lines the archenteron and the ectoderm is formed from cells on the outside of the gastrula, along with newly formed cells. The mesodermal cells enter through the lateral and ventral blastopore and form itself into a lateral plate. The lateral plate mesoderm splits into an upper somatic mesoderm and a lower splanchnic mesoderm. In between these two layers is the coelom. The area where the splanchnic mesoderm and the endoderm nearly ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10 Reasons Why Online Shopping Is The Best Marketing Essay

10 Reasons Why Online Shopping Is The Best Marketing Essay ABSTRACT After Internet growth, most of the dimensions of our lives such as education, business, communication, etc., were surpassed by this new phenomenon. One of these dimensions is to deal with online buying of different products and services. This paper describes the various methods of shopping and sending gifts online. This paper will also discuss the various web advertising techniques and tools used to bring traffic to the website. HISTORY In 1990 Tim Berners-Lee created the first World Wide Web server and browser. It opened for commercial use in 1991. In 1994 other advances took place, such as online banking and the opening of an online pizza shop by Pizza Hut. During that same year, Netscape introduced SSL encryption of data transferred online, which has become essential for secure online shopping. Also in 1994 the German company Intershop introduced its first online shopping system. In 1995 Amazon launched its online shopping site, and in 1996 eBay appeared. [1] PROBLEM STA TEMENT The concept of grab and wrap has established to facilitate the customers who don’t have much time to go in the market and search for different items to gift their loved ones. This website will bring all the gift items wrapped and delivered at your doorstep. All you need to do is just grab the gift and go to the party without being indulged in hassle of leaving your place, reach to the required shop, get the item, get it wrapped and then go to the party. This whole process is even worst when you are involved in office and family matters. But still, you can’t ignore this event. We will also assist in making your special days like i.e anniversary, birthdays, events a memorable one. We will provide the secure and trusted shopping and shipment mechanism by fulfilling the right orders at right time. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES In this research, we have three objectives. First Objective: The first objective of our research is to find out all the needs of customers pertaining t o online shopping. Second Objective: The second objective of our research is to provide such a marketing mechanism that would bring enough traffic into the website through affiliate programs, Google Ad sense and other social marketing networks. Third Objective: The third objective of our research is to design a model to provide the customers a secured online shopping experience. SCOPE AND LIMITATION In this research, we have analyzed different ways of online shopping and focused particularly on gifting the products and their wrapping material. This research is applicable in Pakistan and other countries similar to it in which online shopping is effective and most common mode of buying. Our products will mainly consists of the various categories that the people usually purchase for gifting purposes. The proposed model application can be implemented through google websites, different website designing platforms, or using programming languages such as HTML, ASP.NET, C#, Dreamweaver etc. The size of sample in our survey is 100. The distribution of questionnaire was done only in Karachi which might be another limitation for the research.

Friday, October 18, 2019

UNIT 4 DISCUSSION BOARD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

UNIT 4 DISCUSSION BOARD - Essay Example Though Medicare and Medicaid are federally operated programs, they rely on private providers that are regulated and financed through a variety of different agencies and corporations. In contrast, the VA and military are health care systems that are run directly by the government. This difference has allowed the VA to concentrate on quality rather than quantity of services. In addition, the VA manages the system to hold regional and area managers directly responsible for the performance of the system. The private sector providers have little incentive to invest in quality such as the VAs commitment to, "purchases of health IT to track adherence to clinical guidelines or spending on education and training to improve compliance with safety protocols" (Veterans Administration, 2007, p.14). In addition, the VA has implemented the Veterans Equitable Resource Allocation (VERA) system to monitor resources and assure that they are being adequately distributed. This has developed into a highly refined system of patient classification, regional cost analysis, and produces a level of care that the private sector could benefit from to control costs while assuring quality care (National Defense Research Institute, 2005, p.3). The US Department of Defense (DoD) operates the largest health system in the US and provides medical care for active military, retirees, and civilian employees. A key difference between the DoD and the private sector is the ability to enact policies that affect their participants health while saving money. The military is able to vaccinate their members in greater numbers for diseases such as polio, measles, mumps, influenza, and varicella (Kruzel). The military policy views this as a health maintenance (and cost saving) measure, while the private sector sees this as a cost. Because the DoD operates on a fixed budget from year to year, they are forced to control costs, while the private sector is often prompted to accelerate costs to

Cultures in Conflict, Christians, Muslims, Jews in the Discovery Assignment

Cultures in Conflict, Christians, Muslims, Jews in the Discovery - Assignment Example This essay analyzes that many women have dropped the tradition voluminous dress codes and adopted more cosmopolitan and elegant fashions in the country (ProQuest, 82). Foreign fashions have been integrated into the dressing for women within the country and this has been one of the major elements in which change has been clear between the tradition and the modern era.Cultural and social permissiveness within the highly Islamic country of Bahrain was displayed when a 10-year-old girl participated in the world swimming competition in Russia, earlier in the month of August 2015. This prompted a lot of eyebrows to be raised regarding the participation, but since there was no age restriction for participants, the young girl could not be barred from participation (Byrnes, para 2). In the ultimate analysis, the ruling in a case regarding the jailing of the opposition leader within the country has presented a popular debate in a country with the marking of 200 days since his incarceration on August 20th (Rahdi, para1). International media has focused immensely on the political situation in the country and questioned the aspects of democracy with the society. The lack of political tolerance has been cited as the sole reason for the incarceration of Sheikh Ali who has been advocating for nonviolent ways of settling political differences (Naar, para 3). There has been international pressure calling on the government to establish an independent inquiry into the case of the opposition leader.

Research proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Research Proposal Example In addition, this means that it has to involve the teachers in such a manner that the teachers are able to engage in the science practices in a much more detailed level. As a background to this, knowledge and skill in scientific inquiry has been a fundamental reform movement in science education according to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Various documents, such as the 2012 National Research Council publication on Framework for K-12 Science Education identifies the various major scientific concepts and principles that a student is expected to grasp by the end of high school. Consequently, this forms the basis upon which the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) is structured. Therefore, the NGSS seeks to better engage students in the learning process consequently facilitating their more active exploration of the core scientific ideas and theories. Proper scientific understanding highlights the level of impact that the education system has had on an individual. These include essential knowledge and skills such as the possession of the ability to formulate scientific hypotheses, produce explanations, design and conduct experiments, gather and analyze data, and the general ability to communicate and reflect about the findings. Enabling all this calls for the teachers involved to have specific skills particularly geared towards the successful teaching of science to generate scientific knowledge. This forms the basis for the NRC framework that idealizes the development of a scientific-based approach among teachers to emphasize the practice of skills in addition to just acquiring them. This calls for teachers to engage in scientific enquiry practices such as asking questions, developing and using models, planning and carrying out investigations, analyzing and interpreting data, using mathematics and computational thinking, constructing explanations, engaging in argument from evidence, and obtaining, evaluating, and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Paper on policy, how america is criminializing poverty Essay

Paper on policy, how america is criminializing poverty - Essay Example The perceived threat and the connotations that are then imposed upon the homeless and the impoverished, lead to uncompassionate social responses to the issue. Within the United States there is a disturbing trend to criminalize poverty leaving those who have lost their financial stability, the mentally ill, and those addicted to chemical substances, vulnerable to criminal liabilities merely for seeking shelter, food, and hygienic health. In February of 2007 a debate began over groups who were feeding the homeless in Lake Eola Park in Orlando Florida. The larger crowds of homeless that resulted began a movement by legislators to find a solution. The fear and some of the realities of having a large group of people in desperate circumstances meant that violence and theft increased, thus creating a public problem that needed to be resolved, or so officials have claimed. Signs were already in existance in the park denying anyone from laying down on a bench or from bathing or doing laundry in the public restrooms. The park had become a place where it was illegal to exhibit signs of homelessness by trying to fulfill basic human needs.

Maslow's theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Maslow's theory - Essay Example It was clear that the hygiene factors meet mans needs to avoid unpleasantness but do not motivate them to take more interest in the work.† The Maslow’s theory argues that it is clear that lower order needs such as food, shelter and physical security. These factors are considered some of the basic â€Å"hygiene† of the workplace necessary for minimum functionality undoubtedly for any employee. Additionally, appraisal and feedback system was another huge theories that were present in both methodologies in human resource management. It is crucial to understand that giving feedback to employees that feel that they need to benchmark and leverage their standards. Evidently, Herzbergs theory goes above and beyond that hygiene plays a huge role towards employee’s performance. Without a doubt, if these are met- a worker is free to explore the higher order needs necessary to build superior worker productivity, with a particular emphasis upon self-esteem and creativity, as well as earning the respect of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Case Analysis on Eastman Kodak Company Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analysis on Eastman Kodak Company - Case Study Example With invention of Brownie and introduction of a paper rolling film in 1884, Eastman Kodak spurred to higher heights in the photographic industry (Charlene, 2008). Despite the death of George Eastman in 1932, George Fisher followed the footsteps of his predecessor thus making the firm what it is today. The following is a case analysis of Eastman Kodak with emphasis on its industry, Photographic and Optical Equipment/Supplies. This analysis is on the prevailing competition, strategic characteristics, and various alternatives the corporation can take in order to continue being a leader in the industry. From the various alternatives presented in this case analysis, some recommendations are made, which are likely to spur the corporation into even higher levels that it is experiencing in the current 21st century. Analysis of Industry and Competitors Eastman Kodak (EK) is a firm operating under Photographic and Optical Equipment/Supplies Industry commonly referred to as Consumer Durables an d Apparels. The following is an analysis of Photographic and Optical Equipment/Supplies Industry under which EK operates and its level of competition. Industry and Market Segment Photographic and Optical Equipment/Supplies Industry’s products are broadly categorized into five including equipments for taking still picture; motion picture equipment; chemicals for preparing photos; films, paper, plates, and cloths for sensitized photos; and equipment for photocopying and microfilming. Innovative technology has played a great role in enhancing the success of photographic equipments’ markets. For instance, with the new development of digital cameras and the One Time Use (OTU) cameras that are disposable, the market has significantly increased commanding huge number of sales as well as new entrants of firms to meet the growing demand (Congressional Budget Office). Amazingly, digital cameras outsold the traditional cameras in 2003 indicating the role of innovative technology in the industry as well as the markets. Exhibit 1 indicates a growth of 1.5% of the market as compared to previous years (Bureau of Economic Analysis n.d.). In addition, this exhibit indicates total revenue of approximately $ 20,726.90 million with a total of $ 11,057.80 million industry’s gross product coming from about 1,931 establishments and 2,124 enterprises. This indicates that the market is rapidly growing having approximately 86 firms. Within this growing industry and its market there are about 86 companies that have contributed to such positive result. Consequently with the 86 firms in the industry competition has immensely grown leading to quality products through innovative technology that has seen development of digital cameras (Eastman Kodak, 2009). However, the main competitors to Eastman Kodak Company include Canon, Fujifilm, Hewlett-Packard, Ricoh, Sony, Xerox, Nikon, Olympus, Lexmark, and Seiko Epson Corporations amongst others. Exhibit 2 provides a brief ove rview of these corporations and how they are offering significant competition to Eastman Kodak within the industry. Exhibit 3 provides financial performance of five companies in Photographic and Optical Equipment/Supplies Industry, Kodak and four other main competitors. In Exhibit 3, ROA (Return on Assets) and RIC (Return on Invested Capital) are provided that give indication of a bad performance by Kodak in the latest years where the corporation has had

Maslow's theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Maslow's theory - Essay Example It was clear that the hygiene factors meet mans needs to avoid unpleasantness but do not motivate them to take more interest in the work.† The Maslow’s theory argues that it is clear that lower order needs such as food, shelter and physical security. These factors are considered some of the basic â€Å"hygiene† of the workplace necessary for minimum functionality undoubtedly for any employee. Additionally, appraisal and feedback system was another huge theories that were present in both methodologies in human resource management. It is crucial to understand that giving feedback to employees that feel that they need to benchmark and leverage their standards. Evidently, Herzbergs theory goes above and beyond that hygiene plays a huge role towards employee’s performance. Without a doubt, if these are met- a worker is free to explore the higher order needs necessary to build superior worker productivity, with a particular emphasis upon self-esteem and creativity, as well as earning the respect of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Cost Benefit Analysis Essay Example for Free

Cost Benefit Analysis Essay When operating a business or managing a project, there are many moving parts that need to be discussed, evaluated, and/or implemented. A very effective tool that can help that can help in a business decision or project is running a cost benefit analysis. Running this analysis will help a project manager determine how well, or how poorly, a planned action will turn out (John Reh, 2014). This type of analysis relies on the addition of positive factors and the subtraction of negative ones to determine a net result (John Reh, 2014). When putting a together a cost benefit analysis for a big production company like Bubble Films, it is a big project to own. Having 150 employees spread out into multiple states makes it difficult to get all the information needed. There are many factors when you are dealing with multiple areas of operation to provide an accurate cost benefit analysis. The cost of networking equipment and the power it takes to operate them. The amount of cloud space and the security used to protect it and the power to operate. Once you start operating outside of the office, conducting an accurate cost benefit analysis. With the employees working at home, are they working the full day or a few hours here and there? Do you have to pay for their use of electricity and internet, per diem? Is it more cost effective to put everyone in an office rather than work at home? Many questions have to be answered to create and effective analysis. Cost benefit analysis is a very important tool to use when pitching a new idea or project. This will show the investor, project manager, or CEO’s exactly where their money is going to go and how they are going to make a return. It also helps identify flaws in the budget and whether a company can expand or downsize. References John Reh, F. (2014). Cost Benefit Analysis. Retrieved from

Monday, October 14, 2019

History Of Luxury Goods Industry Marketing Essay

History Of Luxury Goods Industry Marketing Essay In late 1996, after collaboration ended between BBL (Bharat Bijlee Ltd), a Mumbai (India) based elevator Business Company and Schindler, a Swiss-based elevator and escalator manufacturer. Schildler started planning to operate and expand the business fully own subsidiary. In 1874, Robert Schindler established the company in Switzerland. The company starts manufacturing the escalators in 1989 and by 1998 the company had worldwide presence and revenues of 6.6 billion Swiss Francs. The company employed over 38,000 in 97 subsidiaries and looking to start own operation in India. Alferd N. Schindler, Chairman of the company felt that India had a large emerging market and the company had great growth potential. He himself spent several weeks in India and travel in different cities to understand the market and potential. India is not relatively a new market for Schindler; in 1925, first elevator was installed in India. In late 1950s Schindler appointed local distributer to increase the market presence and agreement done with ECE, an Indian Company which was later ended in 1958. In 1985 Schindler entered into a technical collaboration with Mumbai-based Bharat Bijlee ltd (BBL) to manufacture and sell its elevator. Silvia Napoli, a Harvard MBA graduate; joined Schindler in Sept 1994 as head of corporate planning in companys headquarters in Ebikon, Switzerland. Napoli had been appointed vice-president of South-Asia and Head of the India INTRODUCTION The luxury goods industry is well established in Italy around the region in Europe. Most of the family- controlled luxury good brands and few of the company still run by 5th generations. The customer segment are high end-rich customers basically middle aged but the trend was changed and the companies also targeted youths. The profit margin of the luxury goods is very high i.e. up to 70% so there is large amount of revenue spent on marketing and publicity. Luxury goods are a matter and current fashion trend and maintaining of high status in the society. Middle income groups customers have a dream to buy the luxury goods one day in future and join the elite club. HISTORY OF LUXURY GOODS INDUSTRY In 1837, Thierry Hermes founded a company manufacturing especially luxury leather goods. Later 1923, Gucci established in Italy and there are many more companies established in between and after in Italy and around the Europe. 150 years of luxury goods manufacturing history roots in Europe. ANALYSIS (BASES ON PORTERS FIVE FORCE OF COMPETATIVE POSITION) MARKET ENTRANTS: About 75% luxury goods are manufactured in Europe and there is a huge demand of these products in Europe and overseas especially in North America, Japan and other Asian countries. The global market for luxury brands in 2001 is around $70 billion. LVMH commands the largest market share of 15% compared with 6% of the next largest group. Geographic distribution of global wealth, the market is divided into 3 geographical areas such as Europe, North America, Japan and other Asian countries: approximately 40% of sales are made in Europe, 28% in North America and 24% in Asia, with the remaining 8% scattered amongst the remaining regions. YSL Couture generates 60% of its revenue in Asia, as does 35% of Hermes, 40% of Christian Lacroix sales, more than 50% of Leica sales. Overall luxury goods market segment: Sl No. Luxury Goods category Percentage Fragrance and cosmetics 24- 37% Ready-to-wear and fashion 14-30% Leather and shoes 13-16% Watches and jewelry 08-32% Wines and spirits 15-22% Others 05-09% COMPETATIVE RIVALRY: The fashion luxury goods companies are basically located in Italy or in Europe. So their cultural background is same and almost all brands are family-oriented luxury goods business. Few companies are acquired by public, and Gucci was one of them. There are advantages and disadvantages for both family farm as compared with public company and vice versa. The basic competition is not the price war its about product design and brand image. Guccis creative director Tom Ford is an advantage edge for the company who give a new direction to the company i.e. fashion-oriented approach, which makes Gucci truly a luxurious brand. In 1998, sales by product figure (please see case notes exhibits 2) gave an idea that Gucci was 3rd position of leather goods sales, 4th in Jewelry and watches and 5th in apparel. It gives a negative picture to the stakeholders that Gucci is not become a leading luxury brand in any specialized category of goods. However, at the beginning Gucci specialized for leather goods. The positive point is that Gucci doesnt need to depend on a specific category of good which was a good sign. The company balanced overall sells figure and not dependent on a specific category of goods. In 1998 sales by region (please see exhibit 1), Gucci was doing overall good business and balanced the sales figure almost same in North America, Europe and Asia. Whereas the other brands such as LVMH and Bulgari is close to Guccis sales distribution. It was a good indication for Gucci that during regional economic downturn the company compensates overall sells in another region. Recent days natural disasters and terrorists threats increases, which affects the regional economy ant time e.g. 9/11 attack in U.S., 26/11 in India, Gulf war, war against Taliban, volcano eruption in Iceland tsunami in east Asian countries etc. PRODUCT AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT: There are no real substitutes for the luxury goods buyers. Cost is not a big factor for luxury goods, customers look for elegant design. Customers might not be so found of particular designer unless the designer famous likes Tom Ford who associated to Gucci. Technology plays a big role to shape the products and increase volume of the production. With use of the latest technology the quality of the product will be high standard and production will be faster so that easy to balance the production and demand. Gucci understand this important step of the business so De Sole helps the supplier to provide latest technology and financial support for up gradation of the equipment for e.g. If Gucci uses the latest technology to cut the leather and results cutting will be better, faster and wastage of materials will be less. High quality leather is very costly so lot of savings for Gucci and ultimately production is cost less and high profit margin. SUPPLIERS Suppliers are backbone of a company and without cooperation of suppliers a company will be paralyzed any time. So the relation between the supplier and the company should be close and good for future success of the company. Specially, when companies outsource the goods. Guccis success is because of the quality craftsmanship and which all-time low in 1993 because unable to pay. De Sole visited every individual suppliers and selected best of them and cut the rest and pushes them hard to reach the parameter of Guccis expectation. Suppliers have clear vision after discussion with De Sole that what they have to continue the relationship with Gucci. The relation was better and transparent, which help to improve the brand image though quality products and on time delivery. CUSTOMERS There are two types of customers: The super-rich The middle-market customers The super-rich customers (or high net worth Individuals) seem not subject to the world economic cycles. In addition, they are a growing number. The middle-market customers are those that are willing to buy luxury goods, but they want the hottest, trendiest design, which increasingly have to be marketed in creative and expensive ways. They can potentially expand the market quite dramatically, as they are part of the upper-middle class. They are considered to be both a great opportunity. Gucci understand this and changed their strategies from classic image to fashion-oriented approach where they can attract large middle-market pool of customers. While the price is less and no of customers is more. Hence, the cash flow is more; the sales figure in 1994 (please see exhibit 1) total revenue was $263.6 million and in 2001 the sales figure reached to $2,285.0 million. GICCIS POSITIONES AND DE SOLES CRITICAL MOVES Gucci was a family controlled business and from the beginning has experienced many changes since it founded in Florence in 1923. In 1950s Guccis first opened outside Europe DOS store in New York. Very fast the products attract the famous celebrities around the world. As celebrities are using the luxury goods Gucci gets publicity through the media and Gucci become a luxury global brand. The brand expands their stores in 1970s UK, Japan, Hong Kong and other Asian countries. In the 1980s after Rodolfo Gucci died, the family-run company faces new challenges internally from their own family members. In 1989, InvestCorp Int. acquires a 50% share in Gucci and forms a 50-50 joint venture with Maurizio Gucci. Later in 1993 the Gucci family sold rest of the share to InvestCorp Int. and InvestCorp Int. gains full ownership of the company. After acquired by InvestCop Int. Gucci become a public company and listed on various stock exchanges respectively. In early 1990s, the entire luxury goods industry was going through downturn because of gulf war, the US recession and reduced no of tourists around the world because lots of economic uncertainty and anti US sentiment after the Gulf war. In 1994-1995, the first professional managers team took charge of Gucci group by Domenico De Sole as a CEO of the company and Tom Ford, creative director of the company. De Sole was appointed by Maurinzio Gucci as a legal adviser, president and managing director of the company of Gucci America. He was associated with the company for few years and he has cultural and geographical knowledge of Europe as he is native of Rome and he completed his higher study in US. When De Sole took over charge as a CEO in 1995 the company had $500 million net revenue and in 2001, the total revenue of the company is $2,285 million (please see exhibit 1). The operating cost was high $121.1 million and the figure changed to $355.1. The growth of total revenue and the operating cost gives a clear picture that there are lots of initiative had been taken to improve the image and expansion of the brand. Mr. De Sole had been taken various critical majors to repositioned Gucci and he did some fundamental moves or withdrew some family plans and transformed the family-based mono brand to a multi brand. He restructured the organization results he took decision and fired few old employees and appointed new managers who have deep retail experiences. Its a great move to regenerate new energy and strength to the pool of employee, which helped to redistribute the work force. It also helped to translate the companys goal (corporate level) to execute the job in the business and functional level. It gave more power to the individual stores to take decisions for day to day task without wasting time to get approval from corporate or business level. The decision of distribution control and whole sale distribution moved to in-house. It helped the company to improve distribution channel whereas earlier the distribution was disorganized and delay in delver the goods. It also helped to deliver on time and centralized inventory system to monitor the stocks of goods and supply. Stopped licensing to the new products helped to improve quality and to improve the brand image. Gucci also looses the luxury brand image and decided to outsource limited to Italy based suppliers and reduced the no of suppliers drastically. De Sole selected few trusted suppliers and helped them financially and technology to improve the overall quality of the products. Uses of latest technology helped to improve quality of goods, and cost effective as well volume increased. Only 5% premium range of products manufactured in-house to maintain high quality standard and brand image. A very crucial decision had been taken to move from classic image to fashion-oriented approach. Basically Guccis customers are 30-50 years womens. With globalization and competitive market Gucci need to rethink the position to be competitive in the market. The companys new strategy was fashion-oriented approach to attract both sex average age of 25 years customer segment. So the decision was taken to spend more to attract youth customers so an average of 10% spent on the advertising. The companys new strategy fashion-oriented, which increased customers expectation and they expected new fashion goods in every seasons result the company had to invested more to designing and production. It was also decided that Gucci group products should be primary shells through direct operated stores (DOS) (please see exhibit 2). It is very important for a brand that when a customer buys a luxury product the customer must get an essence of luxury treat, good presentation and high class service which is not possible to maintain for franchises shops and merchandising dealers. DOS also contribute and anticipate the brand image and brand publicity. Right strategies planned in the corporate level lead by De Sole and well supported by his executive group and all together their effort to transform Gucci from a moribund brand into a billion-dollar company (please see exhibit 2). In 1998, the Gucci group become a one billion-dollar company; Maurizios dream comes true. DE SOLES STRETIGIC MOVE TO BUY YSL AND SR The family oriented single-brand firms were facing challenges due to close competition with the luxury multi-brands companies. To overcome the challenges in 1998-1999 there were a sharp rate of increase in mergers and acquisitions. LVMHs portfolio continuously increased and in 1999 company spends around $2.9 billion on acquisition on the leading brands. Later Prada and LVHM formed a joint venture that beat out Gucci too acquire 51% of Fendi for close to $600 million. In 1999, LVMH spend $1.4 billion to become Guccis largest shareholder and LVMH want to buy Gucci. Also LVMH want to appoint a director to Guccis board so that LVHM come to know Guccis strategic moves; Gucci emerged competitor for LVHM. Later PPR bought 40% of Gucci for $2.9 billion, diluting LVMHs holding to 19.6%. In Nov 1999, Gucci acquired Sanofi Beaute consisting of two sister companies: Yves Saint Laurent Coutre, which produced YSL ready-to-wear and accessories and YSL Beaute, which produced cosmetic goods. Gucci also acquire 70% share of Sergio Rossi paid of $96 million, which makes high-fashion shoes. This acquisition transforms Gucci into a multi-brand luxury group with nearly $3billion in cash. This acquisition continues challenge for Gucci to handle YSL and SR as a different brand because both brands have their own identity and a segment of customers e.g. Guccis ready-to-wear is totally diffident from YSL ready-to-wear. Guccis also dont want to loose YSLs customer to make a single brand. Both brands have their own DOS in Europe, US and Asia. Even it is easy for Gucci to operate YSL and SR without changing the management team, only need YSLs SRs CEO need to report to De Sole and Tom Ford appointed creative director of YSL. The sales figure after acquisition of YSL and SR in (please see exhibit-1) in 2000-2001 around 30% revenue contributed by these brands and Guccis performance also improved individually. The decision of acquisition of YSL and SR was taken very quickly just to follow LVSR. However, Gucci itself goes through transition phase. Any decision, which makes profit of the company consider to be a good decision for the company. GUCCIS STRATEGY TO GOING FORWARD There are lot of scope to improve or to make new strategies for Guccis expansion and improve the brand image are as such: To expand the stores in other Asian countries such as China and India, these two countries are emerging new economic power of the world. There is a big group of wealthy customers who have capacity to expend to buy luxury goods and they travel to Dubai and Singapore just for shopping. In China, customers can buy online Guccis products from China based manufacturer, which is not a good strategy for a luxury brand. It will help to flourish the gray market and the customers cannot enjoy and get essence of luxury goods shopping. The Asian customers are still not very comfortable of buying the luxury goods online. Online shopping might be a good option for American and European customers. Its always good for a luxury brand to sell the goods directly in the market. When a customer buys luxury goods they would like to celebrate the moment with their friends and family members so this moment will be missing in online shopping. In Asian countries it will be difficult for Guccis to establish and run their business and make significant profit. Asian counties are culturally very deep rooted, which influence the business. These countries have their own fashion trends and they are quite capable to change the trend of fashion any time. Such as Indias Bollywood industry which plays a big role to change the fashion trend with just release of one movie and brings the new trend of fashion. China and Koreas visual media is dominant on the fashion industry. To overcome this challenge its good for Gucci to design some luxury goods with the help of local designers which will reflect the culture of that country. Real world example like McDonald and KFC and few other global brands their products or menus are different form country to country to attract local customers and compete with the local challenges or brands. Gucci need continue to sell their classic design goods which are universally accepted to maintain the luxury classic brand image. Duty free shop (DFS) is a good platform to showcase, promote and sell the luxury goods. There are long list of international and national airport terminals which is better than a mall. In Asia, New Delhi, Dubai, Singapore and Thailand and many more airports, which are world-class. Asian travellers or customers would like to save money while shopping so shopping at DFS stores is a good place to buy Guccis products. Selection of airport and country is very crucial for Gucci to open DFS. According to Kotler, Traditionally, price has been the major determinant of buyers choice. But there are few exceptions for e.g. baby products, medicines and luxury goods. For baby products the profit margin is very high and companies know the fact that parent dont comprise with the quality of the product because baby is very sensitive as well as future of the next generation. Medicine is costly because of the research and development and the pharmaceutical companies keeps high price to make more profit. No choice for the patients as they want to cure fast so they have to buy good quality medicine. So the Government and WHO controls the price of few essentials medicines specially vaccines and life saving drugs and gives subsidy to reduce the price of the medicine for common people and poor countries. But in case of luxury goods customers are willingly to pay high price for the luxury goods. They just care about the brand image in the society and the quality of the product. Most importantly, Gucci continuing to improve the brand image and quality of the products. Promotion of the brand by famous international celebrities as a brand ambassador or with top models. Classic products are the assets of Guccis and the customers associate with the classic goods are loyal customers of Gucci. The production cost will be less to manufacture the classic goods in comparison to design and production of new goods. There is less chances of loss because the classic models never off fashion and there is average demands of the good round the year. Guccis fashion-oriented move will be challenging for the designers to design new trend fashion and creative goods. The company need to attract talented creative designers around the world because the customers expectation will increase with increase of buying power and they want new items in every special occasion or season. It is important for a brand or product, which will anticipate the brand and it is lacking in case of Guccis. A real life example is iTune which anticipate huge success of iPod and iPhone and vice-versa and another is Harvard Business School and publication etc. Gucci can start a fashion designing school it will bring the brand to the next level of expertise goods manufacturer and technology equipped institution. The company can earn money through the institution and hire their own students after complete the study or training. It will help Gucci group to groom their future employee and save expenses training of new employees for 3 years. Gucci group will get huge publicity through different media outside the luxury world, which attract new segment of customers. Gucci can also save money on advertising. It is also true that luxury industry hide lot of information from outside world and media to keep secret of their success or signature work and design etc. But nothing is possible if t he idea is creative and innovative. Exhibit 1 GUCCI GROUP PERFORMANCE: 1994-2001 Exhibit 2 GUCCI GROUP: RETAIL NETWORK DEVELOPMENT Exhibit 3 GUCCI GROUP REVENUES: REGION Exhibit 4 GUCCI GROUP REVENUES: CHANNEL Exhibit 5 OUTSTANDING BRANDS AND PRODUCTS Exhibit 6 GUCCI GROUP DIVISIONS

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Trees :: essays research papers

Trees Trees are woody plants with a distinct stem, or trunk. They are usually the tallest of plants, and their height and single main stem differentiate them from shrubs. Trees are perennials that live at least three years. Some tree species are extremely short but others may reach a height of more than 367 feet. The General Sherman Tree, a giant sequoia in California’s Sequoia National Park, has a height of 275 feet and a diameter of 37 feet. The largest trees are not always the oldest. The bristlecone pine, for example, grows to a height of only 30 feet but one specimen has been dated to be at least 4600 years old.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are two general types of trees, angiosperms and gymnosperms. Angiosperms are flowering plants that have a seed. They include maples and oaks, which are dominant species in Kentucky. Gymnosperms, on the other hand, do not bear flowers. Their seeds lie exposed in structures such as cones or fleshy cups called arils. This group includes conifers, gingkos, and cycads. Trees grow throughout the world, from the icy regions near the Arctic to the steaming tropical regions near the equator. They may grow along steep cliffs, in swamps and deserts, and on mountaintops at even the highest of elevations. Although trees can grow alone, most grow in strands, which consists of one species or a mixture of species. A forest is a plant community that is made up of the trees, shrubs, and herbs that cover an area. Forests provide many social, economic, and environmental benefits. Forest provide wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities, prevent soil erosion and flooding, and help to provide clean air and water. Forests are also an important defense against global climate change. Through a process known as photosynthesis, plants exchange the oxygen that is necessary for life with carbon dioxide, the chemical most responsible for global warming. By decreasing the amount of carbon dioxide forests may reduce the effects of global warming. In the United States, forests are threatened by extensive logging, called clear-cutting, which destroys much of the plant and animal habitats and leaves the landscape bare. Until the 1990’s, the U.S. Forest Service was directed by Congress to maximize the amount of timber harvested in order to provide jobs. In the late 80’s and early 90’s, environmentalists sued the government for violating the National Environmental Policy Act. As a result, the amount of timber harvested was reduced and foresters were directed to follow a policy known as ecosystem management.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Fight for Freedom in Toni Morrisons The Song of Solomon :: Song of Solomon Essays

Fight for Freedom in Toni Morrison's The Song of Solomon "The scream that boomed down the cave tunnel and woke the bats came just when Macon thought that he had taken his last living breath. The bleeding man turned toward the direction of the scream and looked at the colored girl long enough for Macon to pull out his knife and bring it down the old man's back. He crashed forward, then turned his head to look at them. His mouth moved and he mumbles something that sounds like 'What for?' Macon stabbed him again and again until he stopped moving his mouth, stop trying to talk and stopped jumping and twitching on the ground" (pg. 171). This is an excerpt for the novel The Song of Solomon (1987), by Toni Morrison. Macon one of the main characters, only a child at the time, kills a man whom he thinks is threatening him and his sister's, Pilate, life. After killing the man the two children travel to the man's camp where they discover three bags of gold. Macon also sees, " the dusty boots of his farther" (pg 170). Becoming alarmed, Pilate says, "I t is Papa!". To her cry a voice whispers 'sing, sing'. Macon greedily packs up the gold while Pilate searchers frantically for their farther. After a terrible fight the two separate. Ironically years later they end up living in the same small Michigan town. Macon and Pilate hate and their family secret all the while still grows in differnt directions. Macon moves on with his life and marries Ruth. The couple have three children, Lean, First Corinthians, and Macon who receives the nickname of Milkman. Milkman being interested in Pilate granddaughter, spends a great deal of his childhood at Pilate's house--despite his fathers disapproval. After living at home for the past thirty years Milkman becomes swamped with his family secret. His farther claims that Pilate stole the gold from the man his killed camp sight. And Pilate claims the bag of her 'inheritance' only to be bones. Becoming frustrated, Milkman sets out to find the truth of his family fude. Toni Morrison's mystery novel keeps the readers curiosity,as she write her storyline about the lifestyle of a black society in the 1980's. Within this black society, the people are pursuing their freedom. Toni theme of her novel is freedom, and each character can only obtain their freedom by one of two paths.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Despite Their Cultural Differences Essay

Despite Their Cultural Differences, Do Jeanette From ‘Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit’ & Celie From ‘The Colour Purple’ Both Share The Same Struggle?  The cultural differences of the two characters are numerous and the implications far reaching. The austere but comfortable working class security of ‘Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit’, contrasts greatly with the urban squalor of ‘The Colour Purple.’ Even though there is such a massive social divide the two women share many similar struggles. Both women are struggling against the imposition and enforcement of belief systems and intolerant judgements upon them. In Jeanette’s life her mother mainly imposes her controlling and stifling religious views upon her. She feels press – ganged to the extent that ‘I had been brought in to join her in a tag match against the Rest of the World.’ The entirety of Jeanette’s early life is a moulding process, where she is forced to endure the influence of ‘enemies’ including ‘The Devil (in his many forms), Next Door, Sex (in its many forms), and slugs.’ Celie’s initial struggle takes on a much more chilling and darker tone. Her perspective comes from her being made to accept the role of a victim. Her stepfather tears away her basic human rights as he abuses her, ‘He start to choke me, saying you better shut up and git used to it.’ It is a constant challenge to achieve the recognition by others that she has nothing in her present, miserable existence.  Ã¢â‚¬ËœWhy don’t you look decent? Put on something! But what I’m sposed to put on? I don’t have nothing.’ One challenge faced by Celie is how to access a decent education, and further her basic skills. As she is seen as little more than a servant, her family believes that there is little need for her to further herself and grow.  Ã¢â‚¬ËœThe first time I got big Pa, took me out of school, He never care that I love it.’ In the initial section of ‘Colour Purple,’ the writing skills of Celie are very poor and reflect the poor education she has received. The entire opening diary entries are littered with colloquialisms and miss spellings, ‘Left me to see after the others. He never have a kine word to say to me.’ This often leads to the impression that the words of Celie are coming from an intelligent mind that does not quite have the tools to express itself properly. Later on in the novel, influenced by reading her sister’s letters and her own determination to succeed, she develops a much more fluid and sharper style, ‘Even thought you had the trees with you, the whole Earth. The stars. But look at you. When Shug left, happiness desert.’ It is still not writing of an educated woman, but a woman who is beginning to analyse her situation. The struggle of Jeanette’s education is never one that is based on literary or language deficiencies. From a young age she is encouraged to have a firm grasp of The Bible. Jeanette’s initial keeping away from school limits her to her mother for a source of information. This leads to Jeanette having a bizarre view on the world from a young age.  Ã¢â‚¬ËœMy favourite was Number 16, the Buzule of Carpathian.’  As Celie has been at the mercy of such extreme sexist views for the beginning of her life, and Jeanette at the mercy of religious ones, they both struggle not pass their misguided views on to others. When Celie is not successful in refraining from doing so, it has a profound impact upon Sofia. The insecurity and inadequacy of Celie forces her to offer advice to Harpo, which leads to domestic violence. Celie has become so use to ritualised violence that the promotion of it actually becomes a strange form of advice. Only the pathetic nature of her advice save s her friendship with Sofia. ‘She stood their a long time, like what I said took the wind out of her sails. She mad before sad now.’  Jeanette struggles not to pass on her misguided and often inappropriate religious views while at school. Her teachers are alarmed by religious maturity and obsessive views, ‘That’s not the point you have been talking about Hell to young minds.’ Her unintentional preaching of her mothers dogma scares the children, and marks her out for abuse, ‘And why, and this is perhaps more serious, do you terrorize, yes, terrorize the other children. This criticism eventually leads to the developing of awareness that she not teach her mother’s dogma.